Archive for August, 2013

  • Kid-Friendly THATCamp!


    CC Attribution: Some rights reserved by kylemac


    Creativity is the pulse of the digital humanities. The ‘hmmm, what will we build today?’ ethos,so well nurtured by THATCamps, may arise out of new collaborations, new questions – or new approaches to existing questions, or it is simply the delightful outcome of not quite releasing our inner children. Children, as Sir Ken Robinson reports, ask why can’t a paperclip be 200 FT tall and made of foam rubber, (or at least prototyped at 1/800th scale with a 3D printer).

    Do you, umm, your kids, want to tinker in the sandbox? Lined up so far – and as always, open to your input and suggestions – activities for the 5+ crowd:

    • Electronics disassembly workbench
    • Computer and board games (Minecraft meets 4-Square)
    • Create your own board game materials
    • Play-doh
    • 3D print Minecraft creations
    • Soft Circuit maker materials
    • GPS Scavenger Hunt

     As last year, kids are welcome to accompany parents to Friday workshops and attend all day Saturday. Pack your inner-child and all the kids and head to the kid-friendly THATCampVA 2013! Register here.

  • Registration for THATCampVA 2013 is now open!


    We’re excited to say that registration is now open for approximately 80 participants at THATCampVA!  Slots will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis, so register early.

    Register now!


    CLOSING DATE: September 30

    What’s this now?
    You know! A regional THATCamp.


    THATCampVA will be held on Friday and Saturday, November 8-9, 2013. We have plans for workshops starting Friday afternoon, but if you send us your fabulous workshop idea, we may be able to offer a workshop track on Saturday as well.  On Saturday the THATCampVA unconference itself, with a track designed especially for kids and adult track sessions generated by the participants, will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  Opportunities for social time with friends old and new will be available on Friday night, November 8, at nearby establishments.

    Charlottesville, Virginia (at UVA Library’s Scholars’ Lab)

    Organizers include digital humanities folks from UVA, Mary Washington, and Virginia Tech— but this is your unconference!

    Anybody with energy and an interest in the humanities and/or technology should attend: graduate students, scholars, librarians, archivists, museum professionals, developers and programmers, administrators, managers, and funders; people from the non-profit sector, the for-profit sector, and interested amateurs.  We say any- and everybody, and especially those who would find this interesting but who may never have been to a THATCamp or anything like it before.

    Questions in the meantime? Email us!

    Watch this space for more news soon — and follow us at @THATCampVA.


  • Camp Dates, Workshops, Kids Track


    We’ve updated the dates for the VA 2013 camp: November 8–9. We’ll have a slate of hotels reserved for attendees, and will post that information soon. The unconference will be the second day, November 9. We’re planning to offer workshops as well, and depending on the number of and interest in those, we may offer them both days. We’ve already got a few workshop ideas in the works:

    • Introduction to Git & Github – Eric Rochester
    • Teaching Digital Humanities – Jeff McClurken
    • 3D Modeling and Printing – Wayne Graham and Jeremy Boggs
    • DIY Aerial Photography – Chris Gist
    • Data Management for Digital Humanities – Purdom Lindblad and Andi Ogier

    If you like these ideas, or if there’s a workshop you’d like to see us organize, please leave a comment! And if you have a workshop you’d like to offer, let us know that too!

    We’re also planning to have a track specifically for kids. A few ideas we have for that include:

    • Sandbox room/game play room? (minecraft/scratch loaded computers)
    • 3D print Minecraft creations e.g.
    • Kodoble and Hopscotch are free iPad games aimed at teaching young kids to code
    • “Soft circuit” maker materials?
    • Board game session. (Something like Forbidden Island or Settlers of Catan?  Or have kids create their own board games?)
    • GPS Scavenger Hunt

    We’d love to hear from folks planning to attend in November. What workshops would you like to attend or do you think would be interesting, for kids’ or adults? Interested in helping out with the kids’ track? Please share in the comments! We’ll formalize the slate of workshops and events for both tracks in September, so you’ve got plenty of time to contribute.

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